Let’s Celebrate together 7 Years of IVY Community

IVY – Interreg Volunteer Youth, the volunteering programme launched by the European Commission’s DG REGIO and AEBR in 2017, celebrates its 7th Anniversary:

  • 7 years of young people in Territorial Cooperation;
  • 7 years of promoting solidarity across borders;
  • 7 years of co-shaping the future of our regions;
  • 7 years of IVY Community!

DG REGIO is the European Commission’s department responsible for EU policy on regions and cities.  

It is also the promoter of the IVY initiative and its first supporter.

The IVY Team at AEBR, the Association of European Border Regions, connects all actors in the IVY Community, making sure that the initiative flourishes all over Europe and beyond.

IVY Mentors guide IVY Volunteers on the Interreg journey: working together, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, they share their expertise with IVY Volunteers, so to ensure their meaningful contribution to Interreg.

IVY Volunteers promote solidarity across borders and contribute in shaping Interreg. Taking part in initiatives as the 10 editions of Stories of European CooperationCitizens’ Engagament Activities and more, they make Territorial Cooperation and Cohesion Policy accessible to all citizens.

In these 7 years of IVY, almost 900 volunteers deployed over 367 host organizations have contributed to the concrete achievements of territorial cooperation, bringing Europe closer to its citizens and promoting solidarity among regions.

Happy Anniversary IVY!

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