Olá a todos! Hi everyone! My name is João, I´m 23 years old and I am a Portuguese IVY Volunteer for the Interreg MAC project IMPLAMAC at Direção Regional do Mar in Madeira.

This project aims to evaluate, with a common methodology, the microplastics abundance in different species of characteristic fish in the Macaronesian region. Results obtained will allow identify and quantifying the microplastics ingestion in the study area. Another big objective of the project is to involve the different populations, by presenting the results at schools or by them helping in some field work improving ocean literacy among these places.
I am currently helping in the project by doing laboratory work, sampling, filtrations, and identification of microplastics, updating and creating new data bases and engaging in discussions of how can this data be used to improve cooperation and common strategies between countries in attacking the major problem that is plastic waste in our oceans.
I´m extremely happy and thankful for the opportunity given by IVY and Direção Regional do Mar, who have been tremendously welcoming. The experience gave me the chance to develop my skills as a biologist, getting to know people with different backgrounds that contribute for me to open my horizons and open new opportunities for the future.
This is an experience that I will remember for the rest of my life and I strongly encourage everyone to try it out, you surely won´t regret it!
– João, IVY Project Partner for the Interreg Madeira-Azores-Canarias project “IMPLAMAC” at Direção Regional do Mar