Hello everyone! I am Carlota, I am 29 years old and I am a project partner of the interreg project “Rural Youth Future” in the offices of the General Directorate of Youth, Participation and Volunteering (DXXPV) of Xunta de Galicia since January 2024.
The DXXPV is my host organization, and is also the regional government department responsible for the development of programs, initiatives and actions to address the needs of young people in Galicia.

“Rural Youth Future” is a project that arises in response to the great challenge posed by the depopulation and aging of rural areas. Its main objective is to improve the effectiveness of youth employment policies for sustainable rural development.
The project focuses on 6 policy instruments at the municipal, regional and national levels to address the common challenge of responding to the needs of youth in rural territories. It aims to identify and promote actions that generate youth employment opportunities and increase the skills and competencies of young people in rural areas.
The different project partners come from 7 European countries: Spain, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Lithuania, Portugal, Estonia and Belgium. They all follow an integrated partners approach based on the participation of all and their Local Stakeholders Groups (LSG) in different activities at inter-regional and regional level. For example, study visits to the countries that are part of the project, which allows them to observe good practices in other territories and promote communication between partners and stakeholders.
The project has financing of 1.6 million euros, under the Interreg Europe Program, co-financed with FEDER funds.
My role is to support the project in terms of communication by providing ideas and suggestions to increase the visibility and success of the cooperation. I can say that as a result of this experience I am acquiring new skills and competencies, while learning about the benefits of cooperation in the EU. And most importantly, encouraging other young people to do it too!
– Carlota S.Á., IVY Project Partner for the Interreg Europe project “RuralYouthFuture” at Xunta de Galicia