My IVY experience at POCTEFA

It has been two months since I assumed the role of IVY Reporter at the Joint Secretariat POCTEFA as part of the Interreg Volunteer Youth (IVY) Program. The Joint Secretariat POCTEFA is located in Jaca, a small town in the heart of the Pyrenees, which will be my home until the end of May.

Interreg POCTEFA is a European cross-border territorial cooperation program between Spain, France, and Andorra. POCTEFA’s main aim is to expand the economic and social integration of this area by co-financing cross-border cooperation projects lead by actors from both sides of the Pyrenees and from the coastal areas participating in the Program.

Over the past two months, I have acclimated to a new professional environment while gaining insights into European funding and cooperation. My primary contributions have been in the Communication and Finances department, working both in Spanish and French. Thus far, this experience has proven to be a noteworthy professional journey, introducing me not only to the realm of European cooperation but also demonstrating the practical and beneficial impacts of European funds on the daily lives of inhabitants of the area.

Regarding the latter, I recently assisted to the opening of the Centro de interpretación del Camino de Santiago in Jaca as part of the Jacob@ccess project co-financed by Interreg POCTEFA during the period 2014-2020. This project aims to make the Camino de Santiago accessible to people with physical and mental disabilities and represents one of the multiple examples in which European funds and cooperation help to improve the quality of life of the area’s inhabitants.

I would also like to highlight that as part of my participation on the IVY Program, I was recently invited by the Interact Program to share my experience as an IVY Reporter during the XVIII Jornadas of the CIPFP Ausiàs March in València. Throughout the day, representatives from various European initiatives and opportunities provided information to young attendees about mobility opportunities in Europe. Having the opportunity to inspire young students and future leaders filled my heart as I strongly believe that Interreg is an exceptional program that deserves broader recognition.

– Marina Alda L., IVY Reporter at the Joint Secretariat Interreg Spain-France-Andorra POCTEFA

Discover more about Interreg POCTEFA