This activity has adressed young people living in insular areas. The event « COPO-DAY ECDAY » has focused on Cohesion Policy and informed young people about it. Our IVY Reporter of the Interreg Greece-Cyprus programme have inform local youth of Sitia, Crete about Cohesion Policy and made them discover every aspect of Interreg projects which […]


This activity addressed a group of youngsters living in the Seville, Spain, who form part of minorities such as immigrants.

Together we can

“Together we can” is an environmental youth led clean-up movement that will take place in three European countries: Greece, Albania and Bulgaria.

Interreg for a sustainable Crete

This Citizens’ Engagement Activity is organized as a series of events that will spread in 5 major Cretan cities for 5 days, aiming to raise awareness about Interreg projects where the Region and municipalities of Crete are participating as project partners.