Europe 4us

07- 10 /08/2021, in Attica, Greece

This Cea “EUROPE 4US”was organized in Marathonas, Greece, aiming to promote achievements and benefits of the European Cohesion Policy for Civilians, in tourism. During this event, all the four days we were dedicated to emphasize projects and good practices, financed by European Structural Funds (part of the Cohesion Policy), regarding tourism in the EU and especially in Attica, Greece.

May be an image of ‎text that says '‎GOLDEN COAST Conference Centre Marathonas Greece لب EUROPE 4US #CohesionPolicy #Interreg #InterregYouth #EUBorderRegions #IVY #Tourism #Volunteering #Solidarity #EuropeanSolidarityCorps #Cooperation #EUinMyRegion August 27th 30th 2021 Co-funded by the European nion Interrég ROPEANUNON Volunteer Youth‎'‎