EU begins with YOU(TH)

On the 12th of September, the University Ca’ Foscari in Venice hosted the event EU Begins with You(th), organized by Emma. The event was designed and developed to directly engage young people in European Union initiatives.

The agenda was divided into two sections. The first part focused on explaining what Cohesion Policy is and how it reduces disparities between EU regions, emphasizing EU territorial cooperation and highlighting the local benefits and impact of the policy. Various EU initiatives aimed at youth were then presented, with testimonials from individuals currently or previously involved in these initiatives. The goal was to foster a direct dialogue between the youth and institutional representatives.

Participants listened to these experiences, gaining insights into how these projects offer valuable opportunities for learning, as well as personal and professional development.

The session concluded with an explanation of the Consultation Post-27, highlighting its importance for gathering input from young people about the future of the Interreg program.

Later on, the form was completed by all participants.

The second part of the event was a workshop. Participants were divided into two groups to discuss and answer three key questions:

  • How can more young people be attracted to initiatives and projects?
  • What are the obstacles to territorial cooperation for youth?
  • In which fields is there a need to develop more projects?

This part of the event was successful. They felt empowered to express their opinions about shaping the future of the EU, actively contributing to the consultations on the Interreg program and proposing new ideas for their involvement.

A key takeaway was that participants had a lot to contribute and were eager to share their views. Through this interactive and participatory approach, the event created a valuable space for dialogue between young people and European institutions.

Text and Photos: Emma Magistri