Beyond Borders: A Transnational Climate Activism Workshop for European Youth

12/12/2019, in Ljubljana, Slovenia

Young people came from Slovenia and its surrounding countries (Hungary, Croatia, Italy, and Austria), representing not only themselves, but also the movements and organizations with which they are associated, to share ideas, successes, failures, and gaps of knowledge, as well as problem solve and build lasting connections for future collaboration.

The goal of the workshop was first and foremost to inform participants about the long-term commitment and investment the EU has made towards environment and climate change, specifically through the lens of past and current projects, like Interreg and LIFE Programme for Environment and Climate Action.

A second goal was to inform participants about the relevancy and importance of forestry in the mitigation of climate change.

The third and final goal was to provide participants, specifically those from youth movements and organizations, with the opportunity to develop their potential and success as environmental advocates.

Moreover, in the framework of this Citizens’ Engagement Activity (CEA), the participants created a powerful manifesto, urging people and institutions all over Europe to sensitize and take actions against climate change. You can access the manifesto here.

If you want to support this manifesto with your signature, please contact us at and we are happy to put you in touch with Laura Schubert, the organiser of the CEA.