ActivArte 2.0

08/03 – 19/04/2021, in Las Palmas

Following the frame of “Craft & Art” project Interreg MAC Cooperation Program, our former IVY volunteer Marion Charret, created “ActivArte 2.0“project, an original concept proposing a continuity of the previous CEA event “ActivArte” (held in Gran Canaria in August 2019).

In this edition Marion gathered different artists and handcrafters to propose a photo serial with colors paint and artistic chocolate illustrating cohesion, solidarity and cooperation.

With the hands, arms of models, colors and accessories; the serial showed the power of cohesion, collaboration and union. The paint made the union between the different members. The creative chocolate also represented things that we share; some of them material, others invisible; but all of them useful to grew up and build new projects together. 

After networking in “ActivArte” and create synergies; this was a new concrete action.

This project is unique and propose an original result that boosted each professional and created network. As a a follow up, it has a strong cooperation impact. The team counted with European persons from UK, France, Spain.

There was space for creativity and new techniques, collaboration teamwork and communication skills.