Being an IVY Project Partner for a circular water management in the MED region

Hello everyone, I’m Alessandra and I’m the new Interreg Project Partner of the MEDWAYCAP project.

I am thrilled to have just spent this first period hosted by SVI.MED- Euromediterranean Center for the Sustainable Development-, in the baroque city of Ragusa, in the south of Sicily.

MEDWAYCAP- The MEDiterranean pathWAY for innovation CAPitalisation toward an urban-rural integrated development of non-conventional water resources- is a project that involves, besides Italy, also Greece, Egypt, Malta, Palestine, Tunisia and Jordan, within the Interreg program ENI CBC MED.
The overall objective of the project is to raise awareness among Mediterranean citizens regarding the problem of water scarcity and, consequently, to share and disseminate good practices that aim to mitigate the impact of climate change through strategies that use waste water as non-conventional water resources (NCWR) at urban and rural level.

My contribution at this time consists in collaborating with SVI.MED in the organization of an exhibition to be held in Syracuse, Sicily, from October 3 to 5 titled “Mediterranean green transition towards climate change adaptation and circular water management”. The international exhibition will be an opportunity to meet all the partners of Medwaycap and listen to well-known speakers from the institutional and scientific fields, coming from all the Mediterranean region to share their results, ideas, point of views and proposals on the issue. In the following months the exhibition will move first to Tunisia and then to Jordan.

Although it has been just over a month since I started as a project partner, I already feel that I have learned something, on one hand -in a Mediterranean dimension- through meetings, exchange of ideas and synergies with all the actors involved in the project; on the other hand through the realization of the exhibition, in a more local perspective.
I am also learning a great deal about the specific issue of water reuse, non-conventional water resources and how useful it can be to awaken citizens’ consciences and promote awareness on such an urgent and important issue for all.

If you want to know more about the exhibition and the project here is the link:

Alessandra, IVY Project Partner for the ENI CBC MED project “MEDWAYCAP” at SVI.MED- Euromediterranean Center for the Sustainable Development.