European projects hold the European Union together

Hi everyone! My name is Antonella and I’m 26 years old. I am an Italian IVY volunteers at the National Confederation of Craft and Small and Medium Enterprises for a small project called SFERA that means Strategic Framework for Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas, in the context of the Interreg Italy-Croatia programme. /*! elementor – v3.17.0 […]
My volunteering experience at the Technical Secretariat Structure for EUSALP

What is my structure’s main goal? The Technical Secretariat Structure (i.e. TSS) corresponds to the coordinating body of the EU Strategy for the Alps (i.e. EUSALP). The TSS project was decided upon during the 2021 French Presidency and ultimately launched at the beginning of 2023; its creation aimed at coordinating activities and events organised by […]
A glimpse into Interreg Italy-France Maritime Programme

What an incredible opportunity to be in Florence, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and what’s more at Interreg Italy-France Maritime, which encompasses probably one of the most wonderful cooperation areas in the whole of the European Union.
My volunteering experience

Hello. My name is Konstantinos Nakas and I’m coming from Greece. In the last few months as an IVY Volunteer I have learned a lot of things and I met new peoples. I am learning what the working environment is like and how this initiative of the European Union helps us young people to slowly […]
Volunteering for the French National Authority of Interreg POCTEFA

I am Florian and I’m a 23 years old French volunteer participating in the INTERREG POCTEFA programme as an IVY volunteer. This is a European territorial cooperation programme created to promote the sustainable development of the border territory between France, Andorra and Spain. The POCTEFA 2021-2027 programme is the fifth generation of Community financial aid […]

Salut tout le monde – Ciao a tutte e a tutti ! I am Antonella, I am Italian, and I have been volunteering as an IVY Reporter at the Managing Authority of the Interreg Program France Italy ALCOTRA in Lyon. ALCOTRA stands for Alpes Latines COopération TRAnsfrontalière/ Alpi Latine COoperazione TRAnsfrontaliera (Latin Alps Cross-border Cooperation). […]