My IVY experience in Greece

My name is Ioannis and I am from Greece, where I live my experience as an IVY volunteer. The project I volunteer for is called ”HERMES” and we are working with virtual reality – augmented reality, cultural heritage, theater and music. More specifically this period, we work with virtual reality and augmented reality applications.Archaeological sites […]

Volunteering for the Organic Ecosystem project

I am volunteering in the framework of the project “ORGANIC ECOSYSTEM” which is funded by INTERREG ENI-CBC Programme. The project “Organic Ecosystem – Boosting cross border Organic Ecosystem through enhancing agro-food alliances” aims at enhancing organic MSMEs through the creation of a Cross-Border Organic Ecosystem in collaboration with Public Authorities and private actors. This is […]

Being an Interreg reporter for the Euro-MED programme

Hello! My name is Silvia, I’m Italian and it’s been a month since I started my experience as IVY Reporter within the National Authority of the Interreg Euro-MED programme in Marseille, France.   The Interreg Euro-MED Programme supports cooperation across Mediterranean borders. The cooperation area covers a territory of 69 regions of 14 countries from […]

Volunteering for Interreg Central Europe

Hello everyone! My name is Clara, I’m German, and since December I’m an IVY volunteer at the Joint Secretariat of Interreg Central Europe in Vienna. Like other Interreg programmes, Interreg Central Europe is a European funding programme that encourages and supports transnational cooperation projects to make cities and regions more resilient to common challenges. Such […]